
Monday, November 12, 2012

Standing on God's promises

There are lots of times I worry

Lots of trials come and I think I cannot make it through

I look around and wonder why I can’t be as happy as some others

I wake up each day confident that his promises will be a reality,

But at the end of each day, I heave a sigh

It hasn’t come to pass!

In the midst of all these ‘disappointments’, I know one thing

The master planner is at work

I remember the bible verse that tells me that his time is not my time

That his ways are not my ways

 That his thoughts for me are of good

That whatever I ask and believe I have, I indeed have

That he will never leave me nor forsake me

That he will direct my path

That I should cast all my burdens on him and he will give me rest

That he is just to do what he has promised

That he is not man that he should lie

That all I need to do is have FAITH in him

With all these promises given by the most heavenly father

I have a lifting in my heart

Because I know that all things are working for my good

I know that every so-called disappointment are actually taking me to where he has planned for me

I know that he will not give me stone instead of bread

I know and I am convinced that he has put a new song in my mouth

I know and I am certain that Christ lives in me and I have all things because am a joint heir with him

I am absolutely sure that no plan of the enemy for my life will hold

because I am seated with Christ above every principalities and powers

I am lifted just knowing God’s thoughts for me

You should be too because he has the same plans for you!

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