
Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Facts: Did you know?

Okay, I read this on Google Facts and decided to share. Interesting stuff...


"Dammit I'm mad" backwards is still "dammit I'm mad"
( Wow... tried it and voila! True)

The most common month for a male to lose his virginity is in June
(Guys have to know if this is true or not... Is it?)
On average, women utter 7,000 words a day; men manage just over 2,000.
(What???? Saying we are talkatives? Well, yeah...entirely possible)
80% of teenagers check their cellphone before even brushing their teeth in the morning.
( I can relate with that.. Ain't a teenager but I sometimes do check my phone before brushing my teeth)

Twilight was rejected FOURTEEN times before publication
( Who woulda thunk that?)
More than 90 percent of people are no longer friends with somebody that they once called their best friend... ( Hmmm.... 90%?)

Receiving unexpected text messages from people you like the most can have a positive affect on your body and instantly improve your mood... ( Yeah, true)

No matter how hard you try; you can never remember how your dream started. ( Have tried a number of times to but failed woefully)

Will try to get more of this every Friday and you are welcome to share some that are interesting.

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