
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Is it true that ugly men don’t cheat?

Do looks have anything to do with being faithful in a relationship? I still wonder as I do not think so.

Every day I hear/read things that make me want to roll on the floor in laughter. Recently, I read on a website the many benefits of marrying an ugly dude.

According to this website, when you are too beautiful as a woman and you are scared of being cheated on by an equally good looking man, go for an ugly guy. They said ugly men outnumber beautiful women.

Let me list the benefits they mentioned on said website:

 - An ugly guy will never cheat on you because he feels privileged to have quite a beautiful woman for a wife. (This is absolutely false as most of the unfaithful husbands out there are the ugly ones.)

 - The ugliest man in the room is usually the richest. They said ‘financial security is just one ugly man away’. (Do you agree?)

 - Ugly men are sexual gods. (Is that so?)

- He’ll do anything you say. (Not Nigerian men.)

 - An ugly man will give his life for you. (Lie of the century! He is ugly does not mean he does not value life.)

 - If you want to dump him, he’ll understand. (These days that pretty girls are getting slashed by their husbands and boyfriends? He’ll understand but then kill you.)

 - He’ll forgive you if you cheat on him. (So that is one silly idea right there! Every man has an ego and if you go about trampling on it because you think he’ll always forgive, he’ll show you he has a breaking point.)

 - Even after you break his heart, he’ll still grovel at your feet. (Even if that dude was uglier than OBJ, so long as he has his pride, you are just another fish in the ocean.)

Point is cheating is a habit that once formed may be difficult to break. It does not matter if the cheater is drop-dead gorgeous or ape-like in appearance. It all stems from the fact that they believe that there is something missing in their relationships and look for it elsewhere.

While some are chronic cheaters who may have it all in their relationships but still remain unfaithful, some others ascribe their unfaithfulness to lack of love, sex or trust to name a few.

The idea that marrying/dating an ugly man or woman is the remedy for infidelity is quite false. If you marry an ugly person and deny them of love, care, understanding, sex, happiness and the many ingredients that make a happy home; they’ll go out looking for it in someone else.

Let us then as individuals marry that person whom our heart agrees with (whether ugly or cute). Do your part in caring, loving and understanding that person plus the additional sweeteners you can find to spice up the union.

If that person is still unfaithful after all your efforts, then probably he/she may just be an incurable cheat. If that relationship hasn’t gotten to marriage, please walk away or risk sharing your spouse for the rest of your life. Don’t forget the many diseases out there that an unfaithful spouse may bring in and transfer to you. Look before you leap.

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