The youngsters have even appeared on BBC... We have talents we don't know in Nigeria o!
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The device can provide up to 6 hours of electricity with just one litre of urine.
Before you buy a Gee-Pee tank to start storing your urine and that of your friends and family, screech, take a halt and read how that can be done before you blow someone up...
The system works this way:
- Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which separates out the hydrogen.
- The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder.
- The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas.
- This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.
I dare-say this is an innovation! Can this invention be fine-tuned to serve as an alternative energy supplier in Nigeria?
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