
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mummy’s Wednesday: Are you a mum?

Mothers are a blessing to lots of people (Majority I believe). The pains most mothers have gone through for their children are unimaginable.

So this day (Wednesday’s) every week will be dedicated to mothers. They are a lot worth celebrating, I believe you will agree. Let us celebrate them, talk about what it feels like to be a mum; our joys, challenges, up-sides (For those who are mothers) and for those who aren’t but hope to be anytime in future, learn the ropes.. lol and see say e no easy o!

I adored my mum and still do for everything she has done for me and my siblings but I truly got to understand what it felt like when I became a mum.

You know, the thought of having someone occupy your mind all the time is overwhelming. Where you used to go out, spot a nice dress and think ‘I’ve got to have that dress’, you go out and a kiddies shop catches your eye instead. You begin to think of someone other than yourself and hubby.

The joy of motherhood is indescribable but so are the worries.

 Talk about having to wake up at intervals at night to feed, cuddle and change diapers.... This is surely just a tip of the iceberg!

My son is just over a year old and believe me when I say I do not rest anytime I am with him until he sleeps. I go on Twitter severally to tweet my frustration and the little man keeps having fun at my expense.

He has hit his head against hard objects so much that it just feels normal to him. He would hit his head and while you are still holding your breath and waiting for the piercing cry, he just rubs the head with his hands and goes about his business. He fell off a chair once while climbing and had a cut on his mouth; he cried for only that minute and the next instant he was climbing again.

Who says babies aren’t smart? Mine is super-smart o! This fella would want to take something and I would tell him not to. He would try again and again, but I will refuse him access to it. He will then bid his time and the moment he feels I am not looking he will gently go for that stuff. When my eye meets his, he will give me this very naughty grin that usually brings smiles to my face.

When I get exhausted of his worries, I try to imagine what my life would be like without him and frankly, it’s unimaginable.

Mums sure do rock for the many troubles they go through and every mother should be proud to be one!

If you are a mum, let’s share stories of the many moments in our children’s lives and how we made it through. I want to learn from people who have been in it long before me and I know many others will.

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